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Blog - Pens for Halloween

It's Pumpkin Pie and Apple Cider Month..and an orange ink pen or two...

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I love October because of the colors and the beginning of great sports and fun clothes. Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite desserts to both make and eat. I lace mine with whipped cream or a drizzle of sour cream with cinnamon and turbino sugar mixed in. How does it get better? And the cider, if you can get the real thing, is tangy and delicious.


I enjoy having the opportunity to buy orange ink pens for Halloween, even though I don't have candy waiting at my doorstep. I remember too many rainy, cold Halloweens where my friend and I would trudge from house to house and smile or growl and then say thank you to homemade cookies (and you never knew if they would survive the bag) or some hard candy no one ever ate. Now I curl up in the rear of my home and read a good book--or write one! I'm hard to please, so I write many of my own books so I know I'm sure to enjoy the experience.

Strangely self serving you say? Tell me you haven't sent a selfie out into the either for all to see. And using pens with wonderful colors is inspiring. This time of year we have pumpkin ink in a Flair barrel, or cranberry, or slate, or a number of wonderful colors that fit any mood. If you write--if you write ANYTHING--you need the right pen and ink color. We have lots.  


Doesn 't he look like he needs to be carved? His insides made into a pie?

What would that have to do with pens? Well, if you're well fed and have atmosphere, you can write the Great Americal Novel, and for that you need a pen. A Great Pen. How about this:

Flair Point Guard Medium Orange? It could inspire a Halloween tale you can tell to your kids and grandkids.

Notice the bright ink? The neat metal clip? The tough tip? What are you waiting for?

One of the best moments you could ever have is to complete a story you made up, print it out and put it in either a binder or some kind of folder with a splash of color. And from then on, it's your story. Why not try one now. Use an orange pen. The one you're looking at is a good one to start with. Or have an adventure: look over our site for more ideas. Get creative and have a Happy Halloween!