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An Update on Close Outs

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Revisiting the Close-Out section is something I like to do from time to time. We are continually adding product as the manufacturer adds new product and deletes others. Your chance of finding something fun and useful is high. We recently added some product that many have called the best mechanical pencils ever made--the Sanford Logo

The nice thing about mechanical pencils is that they don't have a shelf life. What does that mean? You can keep it for decades, and if you don't step on it and crush it, it will work just as well as when it was made. And we've just added Clickster, and Comfortmate and the beautiful Aspire, to name a few.

This also comes in Plum. The Aspire has the virtue of actually fitting the hand so you know you're holding a substantial writing instrument. It has that nice, big clicker and lots of style. 

Mega Lead is another unsung hero. It holds 12 leads so you're never inconvenienced, and it sports a large twist-up eraser. 

Once again, it's comfortable in the hand, and has that feeling of usefulness that comes with a well made product.

Flexgrip Elite is an old friend. The pens that accompany this product are some of the most popular in the world. And the mechanical pencil is no exception. It handles beautiifully and does the hard work. 

We have both tip sizes here as well. Remember, this one has the nice anti-bacterial grip. (it's infused with silver so germs don't get transorted)

We also have a few Xtend pencils left. This was another popular pen and pencil combo, so hurry hurry. Pricing is really great and the holidays are coming!